Category Archives: Blog

Complimentary 2023 – Tax Preparation Checklist

Written on July 3, 2023 at 1:45 pm, by

Taxland has prepared a basic end of year checklist for wage and salary earners. In this PDF we help to outline a checklist of what you need in order to better prepare your tax return with your accountant. DOWNLOAD CHECKLIST HERE

Complimentary 2022 – Tax Preparation Checklist

Written on July 15, 2022 at 4:28 pm, by

Taxland has prepared a basic end of year checklist for wage and salary earners. In this PDF we help to outline a checklist of what you need in order to better prepare your tax return with your accountant. DOWNLOAD CHECKLIST HERE

NSW COVID-19 Support Package

Written on July 19, 2021 at 12:51 pm, by

The Prime Minister released a Media Statement on 13 July 2021 regarding NSW COVID-19 SUPPORT PACKAGE Of particular interest to you will be the following content: Small and medium business support payments From week four of the lockdown, the Commonwealth will fund 50 per cent of the cost of a new small and medium business […]

2021 Year End Tax Planning Guide

Written on July 6, 2021 at 1:56 pm, by

In this PDF we help to outline some of the methods of reducing your taxable income. DOWNLOAD PDF HERE For example: To minimize your taxation liability for the current year, some options are: Delay deriving assessable income (i.e. payment after 30 June can mean income is treated as next year’s) NOTE: THIS MUST NOT BE […]

Complimentary 2021 – Tax Preparation Checklist

Written on July 6, 2021 at 1:54 pm, by

Taxland has prepared a basic end of year checklist for wage and salary earners. In this PDF we help to outline a checklist of what you need in order to better prepare with your accountant. It also contains a summary of the COVID-19 Stimulus. DOWNLOAD CHECKLIST HERE

Heads-Up! Tax-Time is almost here!

Written on May 5, 2021 at 7:29 pm, by

The ATO installed new IT capability in 2010 and every year since we’ve seen it add another string-to-its-bow in terms of its capability to source data and match that data to taxpayers. During the early years of the ATO’s “new” capability, progress was relatively slow; however, in recent years the rapid progress of the ATO’s […]

Top 5 tips for new investors

Written on April 23, 2021 at 3:08 pm, by

As you start your property investing journey, you will find different opinions in every corner and an overwhelming amount of information. The secret to getting on the front foot is keeping it simple. With over twenty years of experience in the property industry, BMT Tax Depreciation has shared their top five tips for new investors. […]

Depreciation Questions

Written on March 24, 2021 at 7:56 pm, by

The complexity of depreciation unsurprisingly has many scratching their heads. While investors don’t need to be depreciation experts, here are some of the most common questions on this area of taxation. 1. What is depreciation and how does it work? It’s the natural wear and tear of a property and assets over time. While all […]

What is common property depreciation?

Written on March 24, 2021 at 7:51 pm, by

Property rental rates and values can change, and this is particularly evident for units and other types of strata complexes. One thing that remains constant is the tax deductions rental properties provide to their investor owners. An added benefit is the lucrative common property depreciation deductions strata investors can claim. What is common property? When […]

Top 10 must-know depreciation terms for residential investors

Written on March 24, 2021 at 7:49 pm, by

You don’t need to be a depreciation expert but understanding some of the key concepts surrounding this complex area of taxation can help your ongoing investment strategy. Capital works deduction This is the depreciation deduction you can claim on the structural component of the building and any fixed assets. Some common examples include walls, doors, […]